Advanced Dental facilities for dogs are available at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana at nominal charges. This information was shared by Dr J Mohindroo Professor and head department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology. The facilities include dental scaling with ultrasonic scaler and polishing, tooth extractions, dental radiography, flap surgeries and mandibular fracture repairs using various techniques. Dental cleaning and other oral surgeries are done under general anesthesia and University Veterinary Teaching Hospital has state of art facility for performing dental procedures under inhalant anesthesia maintenance which is very safe for pets.
He revealed that before domestication of the dogs and cats, meat and bones were their regular food which crushed in order to ingest. This cleaned up their teeth and resulted in healthy mouth without any periodontal disease. Now a days we started giving our food to pets but has not started the practice of oral hygiene like brushing teeth pets. This resulted dental tartar, halitosis, peridontal disease, painful, red and swollen gums leading to anorexia and bleeding from mouth.
Dr Arun Anand, Associate Professor in department and an expert in veterinary orthodontic procedures said that in USA February is celebrated as National Pet Dental Health month. In India also pet-owners are becoming aware of the importance of oral hygiene in dogs. Dogs with periodontal disease and chronic oral infection can result to systemic infection which can further lead to infection in liver, heart and kidneys. Due to lack of awareness the most of the problems remain unnoticed in early course of disease and diagnosed only after halitosis (bad breath), severe pain or bleeding form mouth starts. Therefore, precise and scientific examination of oral cavity should be a part of routine physical examination after 3 year of age at least once or twice in a year for early detection of common problem.
Dr Arun suggested that a good oral health care consist of regular brushing of pet’s teeth, feeding a balanced diet, giving big or artificial bones to chew, giving your pet chew sticks or dental sticks as oral supplements, commercial dental diets having bigger kibble size are available and dogs when chew them will automatically clean teeth.