Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Handiaya, Barnala organized a one day Workshop on “Virus Free Seed Production of Potato” in collaboration with Central Potato Research Station, Jalandhar for potato grower of the Barnala district. Dr. P.S. Tanwar, Associate Director, KVK Barnala chaired the workshop and welcomed all the members of potato grower association district Barnala. He said that potato cultivation will be a step towards diversification in Agriculture in the district. He highlighted the activities carried out by KVK for welfare of farmers and also motivated the farmers for production of potato seed at their farm which he may sell to the other farmers to get more income. Dr. J.S. Minhas, Head Central Potato Research Station, Jalandhar delivered an informative lecture on the new techniques of potato seed production. He also stressed on the adoption of seed plot technique for raising healthy potato seed free from viral infection. Dr. Kamaldeep Singh Matharu, Assistant Professor (Plant Protection) deliberated on the role of Aphids (Myzus persicae) for the transmission of viral diseases like leaf-roll, PVX, PVY and PVA in the potato crop. He explained the management of different caterpillar, sucking pests and diseases of potato crop responsible for the reduction in the yield of the crop. Sh. Harjot Singh shared his views on sowing of recommended improved varieties, time of sowing of early, mid and late season varieties and method of planting of potato crop. Dr. Sureyndra Singh, Assistant Professor (Agronomy) explained about the management of weeds in the potato crop. Dr. Shikha Bathla, Assistant Professor (Home Science) acquainted the farmers with the simple and adaptive techniques of potato processing by preparing value added products like potato chips and potato flour.