Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Booh, Tarn Taran operational under Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana celebrated ‘World Soil Day’ on December 06, 2017 at KVK campus to create mass awareness among the farmers regarding soil test based fertilizer application in agricultural and horticultural crops. Around 465 farmers, rural youths, farm women and officials of different departments attended the programme at KVK. Dr HK Verma, Director of Extension, GADVASU, Ludhiana was chief guest and inaugurated the occasion. Dr Partap Singh Sandhu, Chief Agriculture Officer, Tarn Taran was guest of honour. Different line department viz. Agriculture, Horticulture, ATMA, FASC PAU, Seed Farm PAU Usma also participated in the event. NGOs and private companies such as Amaze Organics, IPL, Ashih Feeds, Pioneer, Onkar Seeds, Biostad, etc. also displayed their products in the exhibition stalls. Farmers and Self Help Groups trained by KVK exhibited their produce such as handicraft, honey, vegetables nursery seedlings, etc. during the event. In inaugural address, Dr. Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director, KVK, Tarn Taran welcomed all the farmers, farm women, officials and companies for their participation in the event. He awared the farmers regarding ‘World Soil Day’ and highlighted that keeping in view the importance of soils, this day is being celebrated throughout the world. Information regarding soil testing and soil health management aspects was provided to the farmers by Dr Kumar. Importance of minerals in dairy animals for keeping their good health was discussed.
Speaking on the occasion Dr. HK Verma, stressed upon adoption of scientific techniques for soil health improvement. Dr Verma emphasized that soil is our mother and everyone should make efforts to conserve and sustain it, which is otherwise getting deteriorated through the indiscriminate use of fertilizers. Dr. Verma also highlighted about various technologies and useful inputs given by the university to the farmers for better livestock production. Dr Anil Kumar, Asstt. Professor (Soil Science), appealed farmers to come forward for testing soils of their respective fields regularly and fertilizer application should be done following recommendations given in the soil health card, so that the fertility of mother earth/ soil may be sustained for longer duration. Experts from Punjab Agricultural University, Dr SS Dhaliwal and Dr. Hari Ram discussed about soil management and resource conservation technologies for sustainable crop production. Dr Partap Singh Sandhu, CAO, Tarn Taran also appealed famers for soil test based fertilizer application. Dr Nirmal Singh and
Dr. Navjot Singh, Asstt. Professor (Agronomy), discussed the scientific production technology of vegetable and rabi crops. Dr Shashi Pal, Dr Bhanu Prakash and Mrs. Piverjeet Kaur disseminated the technology of the University and KVK by interacting with farmers at stall of the KVK. Message of Prime Minister and Agricultural Minister, Govt. of India related to ‘World Soil Day’ was also played on projector to show the farmers. Further, massage of Prime Minister of India was also given to the farmers by distributing the literature (Mann Ki Baat). On this occasion soil health cards were distributed to the farmers. Farmers who have not burnt paddy straw in their field and ploughed it into the soils with the guidance from KVK were honored. During the farmer scientist interaction, Farmers submitted that KVK Tarn Taran is helping them a lot for solving their problems related to agriculture and livestock. At the end of the programme Dr. Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director, KVK, Tarn Taran thanked all the farmers, farm women officials and companies for their participation and making this programme a success.