Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana inaugurated its 19th Pashu Palan Mela on 25TH September, 2015. Dr. B. S. Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor of PAU was Chief Guest of the occasion. He said that livestock is good diversification of Agriculture. We should come forward to adopt dairy farming, Fisheries, Poultry, Piggery and Goat farming to earn more profit. Scientists should focus on to provide right health management of livestock to famers.
Dr AS Nanda, Vice Chancellor GADVASU said that diversification within the livestock is also a need of the hour. Value addition of Products may diversify these professions in a different mode. Theme slogan of Mela was “Veterinary University Dian Sifarshan Apnao, Pashu Palan Ate Machi Palan ton Vadh Munafa Pao” which means ‘Adopt recommendations of Veterinary University and Earn more profit from livestock and fish farming.’ Dr. Nanda said that we are conducting a number of efforts to explore the new avenues in livestock.
GADVASU showcased all his research, education and extension programmes at the Pashu Palan mela for the benefit of livestock farmers. Taking place twice a year in March & September it brings with its zest & excitement. This two day event at the Mela ground of GADVASU provided a platform for farmers, scientists, extension workers, Dairy officers, Fodder & Fisheries officers, various veterinary pharmaceuticals and agribusiness firms and banking sectors for showing their experience and information about the latest knowledge, technologies and schemes which has come up in the livestock sector.
Dr H. K. Verma, Director of Extension Education revealed that large number of peoples showed their interest in taking up goat, pig and fish farming and especially enquired about their training programmes. University publications on different subjects of livestock farming were also available. Different Departments of University provided useful literature to the farmers. Special interactive session on livestock rearing in the scientific way was organised consisting of live lectures form experts, question answer including quiz questions from participants which were given awards also. The programme had overwhelming response from the farmers.
Various departments of College of Vety Science put up their stall in the Mela and tried their best to transfer valuable inputs and recommendations to the farmers. The excellent germplasm of the University such as Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, Pigs, Poultry, Emu and Quails were demonstrated to the livestock farmers. The experts delivered talks on the various aspects of livestock, poultry and fish farming and the mechanism and procedures to overcome the common problems faced by them. Live demonstrations on the various aspects along with sale of milk testing kit, Mastitis Diagnosis kit, teat dip practice and acaricide drug application were also demonstrated to the farmers.