Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Unati Co-operative Society to create Self-Help Groups (SHG) and use the machinery for bamboo making products and preparation of fodder blocks for the benefit of Kandi area of Punjab. Dr. A S Nanda, Vice–Chancellor, Dr H K Verma, Director of Extension Education, Dr (Mrs.) Asha Dhawan Dean College of Fisheries and Dr. A L Saini Director of Regional Research and Training Centre RRTC, Talwara from GADVASU side and President Unati Co-operative Society Mr. Jyoti Saroop and Sh. Netar Kamal (Swami Ji) were present on the occasion. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science University established one of its Regional Research and Training Centre in village Bhatoli near Talwara. According to this MoU GADVASU will provide all the knowhow and coordination: whereas Unati Co-operative Society will operate, process, manufacturer and market the products with the help of SHG on participatory basis. The team from GADAVSU also visited Vill.Ramgarh Sikari and had deliberations with Mr. Rakesh Sharma and other members of SSM group for promoting livestock production and value added livestock products. While addressing a group of beneficiary farmers and sarpanches of the area at RRTC, Bhatoli Dr.Nanda stressed upon the need of promoting the livestock and other activities for their benefit. All these efforts will be a boon for the development of the area he added.
It is pertinent to mention that GADVASU handled a World Bank Sponsored National Project under the aegis of National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) entitled “Sustainable Livestock Based Farming System in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab” was operated from year April, 2008 to March, 2014 in a consortium mode with Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana as a lead institute, along with 3 partners namely Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana: Department of Dairy Development Government of Punjab and Unati Co-operative and Marketing Society, Talwara. In this project four blocks namely Bhunga, Dasuya, Hajipur and Talwara. Ten villages from each block with 20 beneficiary families from each village were identified initially to provide the knowhow regarding increased livestock production, increased crop production, procurement processing and marketing of various output through (SHG). Furthermore, after midterm evaluation the number of beneficiary families were increased to 3500. As a concerted effort of the team all round improvement was observed which was appreciated profusely by ICAR, World Bank and other concerned organisations. Per capita income of beneficiaries during this period increased from Rs. 12,500/- to Rs.38,500/-.
All the interventions taken earlier under this project will continue to enhance the overall development of the area.