Department of Veterinary Pathology
College of Veterinary Science
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science University
Applications are invited on plain paper (along with attested copies of date of birth certificates, degrees, mark sheets, experience certificates, list of publications, proof of residence, Aadhar card details and a recent passport sized photographs) for the temporary posts of One Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at a fixed salary of Rs. 25,000 + 20% HRA (per month) for first two year and Rs. 26,880 + 20% HRA in the third year of the research project/ scheme entitled “Comprehending the role of mucosal-associated immunity during host-pathogen interaction following Avibacterium paragallinarum infection in poultry (chicken and Japanese quail) for developing futuristic mucosal vaccine” as sanctioned by Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi (EMR/2014/000461)”. The post is purely temporary and is for six months or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier and is not against regular post of the department. The duration of fellowship may be extended for further period provided that the performance of the candidate is found satisfactory. The requisite qualifications are here under:
Essential qualifications and eligibility condition for Junior Research Fellow (JRF):
B.Sc. (Life sciences) with at least second class, MSc/Ph.D (life sciences) with at least 65% marks along with NET qualification.
2. Candidates should have cleared matric level Punjabi examination. The candidates without knowledge of Punjabi may be considered/appointed provided no suitably qualified/experienced candidate with knowledge of Punjabi is available.
3. Preference will be given to candidate having working experience of handling laboratory animals/chickens and animal experimentation, microbiological techniques, immunohistochemistry, molecular pathology, histopathology and immunological techniques.
Job responsibilities:
1. To assist in laboratory research work in the above said project.
2. Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Principle Investigator
Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- P.M. + 20% HRA for first two year and 26,880/- P.M. +20 % HRA for third year of the research project.
The last date for submission /receipt of Bio data along with all attested photocopies of the certificates in this office is 12th October, 2018 till 5:00 PM. And the interview will be held on 17th October, 2018 at 10:00 AM in the office of undersigned. The application without above documents requested, in original and photocopies will not be entertained for the said interview. No TA/DA is permissible for appearing in the interview and no separate letter for the interview will be issued.
Sr. Vety. Pathologist cum Head
Department of Veterinary Pathology
Endst.No. VPP/2018/ 4305-4342
Dated, Ludhiana the:4/10/2018