Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran organised an awareness cum group discussion session of Dairy farmers at Bhuchar Kalan to discuss about the “Applications of artificial intelligence in dairy farms”. A total number of 20 dairy farmers attended this awareness workshop. Dr. Balwinder Kumar, Associate Director (Training), KVK, Booh, Tarn Taran welcomed the farmers in this programme and highlighted about the importance of Precision Dairy Farming. He elaborated the advantages of Artificial intelligence in terms of accurate heat detection, rumination activity and so on. Simultaneously, Dr. Suresh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Animal Science enlightened the participants about this whole system of Artificial intelligence in dairy farms and also about the expenditure involved in setting up of this network. He too discussed about the importance of mineral mixture in dairy animals. Products of GADVASU like mineral mixture and uromin licks were also sold to the dairy farmers. Dr. Anil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Soil Science discussed about the appropriate time and application of farm yard manure to farmer field. He also explained procedure of vermicomposting to the dairy farmers. Dr. Piverjeet Kaur Dhillon, Assistant Professor, Home Science motivated the farmers regarding value addition of dairy produce through using various cost-effective processing techniques. Dr. Balwinder Kumar also talked about the different activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran for socio economic upliftment of the farming community and presented his sincere thanks to all the participants.