Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mohali, organized ‘Scientific Advisory Committee’ meeting to discuss the current progress report, future
action plan and other major activities of KVK in order to strengthen the ongoing activities of KVK. Total 40 officials and progressive farmers from university, line departments and progressive farmers participated in the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Inderjeet Singh,Vice- Chancellor, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Dr. Parkash Singh Brar, Director Extension Education, GADVASU, Ludhiana co-chaired the meeting.The meeting was started with welcome address by Dr. Parminder Singh, Associate Director, KVK, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali). The house was provided with the handout of KVK achievements and action plan 2021-22. Dr. Vikas Phulia presented the progress report for the year 2019-21 and also discussed about the proposed action plan for the year 2021-22 and urged to the members for their valuable suggestions for its finalization. Dr. Inderjeet Singh advised the house to come forward with the innovative ideas in regard to their respective fields for incorporating in future plan of KVK. Vice-Chancellor emphasized to promote cost effective technologies related of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture and Fisheries for the farmers. He also said that KVK is link between research system and farmers. The responsibility of KVK is to disseminate different technologies generated by research institutes and Universities to the farmers and to convey the feedback of the farmers to the research institutes and Universities about the technologies.
He also said that backyard poultry farming may be major source of income and nutrition for landless rural folks and KVK should emphasized promotion of backyard poultry farming by providing of 3 week old chicks.He emphasized for promotion of diversification in Agriculture and Integrated Farming System for effective use of resources available at farm.
In this meeting, Dr. Parkash Singh Brar , Dr. O.P.S. Khola, Head ICAR-IISWC Chandigarh, Dr. D.N. Yadav, ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana, Dr. M.S. Bhullar, Head Dept. of Agronomy, PAU, Dr. Udeybir Singh, Principal Scientist, Dr. R.K. Raheja, CAO, Mohali, Dr. Nirmel Singh Bika, Veterinary Officer CVH, Singhpura, Mohali, Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Agriculture Officer, Block Majri, Dr. Aparna Gupta, Assistant Professor (LPM), KVK Ropar, Dr. Princy, Assistant Professor (Home Science), KVK Ropar, Sukhmaneet Kaur, CDPO, Kharar, Danesh Kumar, DDH, Mohali, Dr. Mandeep Singh, Assistant Animal Scientist (LPM), Jagdeep Kaur, Fisheries Officer, Mohali, Kashmir Singh, Dairy Development Department, Mohali and progressive farmers gave their valuable suggestions. After completion of meeting, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Inderjeet Singh and entire team visited KVK farm Majra (Mohali), Pig farm (Attar Singh, Kishanpura and Dairy farm (Gadanga)