Krishi vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran organised a one day workshop on "Water conservation in Horticultural and field crops". The officials specially Agriculture Development Officers, PD ATMA, Block technology manager and Soil Conservation Officers participated in the workshop. The incharge of the workshop, Dr Nirmal
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Singh told that the main purpose of the workshop was to discuss about the judicious use of poor and marginal quality water in Horticultural crops. He also highlighted about the bad impact of poor quality water in Horticultural crops. Dr. Balwinder Kumar (Deputy Director) stressed that the level of ground water table is declining day by day due to over exploitation and we all must work together to aware farmers on its proper utilisation so that it's adverse impact may be avoided in coming generations. Dr. Nikhil Ambish Mehta from Punjab State Farmers and farm worker Commission, explained about different techniques of water
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management in horticultural and field crops. He discussed about sprinkler and drip irrigation as well fertigation techniques. Dr Navjot Singh Brar and Dr Anil Kumar discussed about water recharge technologies. Dr. Harpreet Singh praised KVK efforts in organising such a workshop and assured that, we will work together in providing demonstration to farmers on the aspects of micro-irrigation. An exposure visit to the farm of Mr. Gurwinder Singh, a (progressive farmer) was conducted, where he is using rain gun in pear orchard to irrigate the vegetable crops.