Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) celebrated World Soil Day under the supervision of Deputy Director KVK, S.A.S. Nagar at village Nangal Faizgarh with the motive to save our soil health. On this occasion, Dr. H. K. Verma, Director of Extension Education, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana addressed the farmers to save our soil as well as dairy animals. He assured the farmers for help to organize animal welfare camp at their village. He also shared his views to increase milk production of dairy animals & value addition of milk. Dr. Yashwant Singh provided valuable information to maintain soil health. He stressed to save our soil from erosion for future safety. Dr. Harmeet Kaur, Dr. Munish Sharma & Dr. Shashi Pal from KVK, Mohali guided the farmers to collect soil samples for testing from different crops & different type of soils. They stressed on soil testing to decrease their expenditures on fertilizers for crop growth. A progressive farmer from village, S. Sukhveer Singh thanked KVK team for providing such valuable information to the villagers & appealed to organize such programmes in future. During this programme village sarpanch, S. Gurdeep Singh, ex-village sarpanch, S. Balwinder Singh, S. Rajveer Singh & other progressive farmers from nearby villages were present.