Farmers Scientist Interface on “Enhancing in-situ degradability of paddy straw with the help of bio-agents” was organized by KVK, Mohali at village Mundho Sangtian. Dr. Livleen Shukla, PS, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi attended the programme along with KVK staff. Farmers were briefed about the use of culture developed by Division of Microbiology, ICAR- ATARI. Dr. Livleen Shukla also shared her expertise about compost making through use of pusa waste decomposer and provided free Pusa compost inoculant, decomposer, zinc solublizing culture and NPK solublizing bacterial culture for seed treatment of wheat and other crops along with literature to the farmers. Five fields having standing paddy straw were selected and a pusa waste decomposer solution was applied there. Soil samples were also collected from the trial fields. About 35 farmers attended the programme.