Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali organized awareness programme for mobilization of school students on water conservation under Jal Shakti Abhiyan in Government Senior Secondary School, Saharaun in which 140 students and teachers participated. Dr. Yashwant Singh Deputy director (Trg.) motivated students about their role in saving water and the importance of saving water at household level. He discussed in details during the campaign that a lot of water is wasted while conducting various household chores such as cleaning house, washing clothes, utensils, cars, motorcycles and during bathing. He emphasized that water can be saved if small changes can be made at household levels such as closing the tap when not required, using bucket or container while washing utensils and vegetables and using waste water from RO filters for cleaning. Dr Priyanka Suryanshi Assistant Professor (Agronomy) elaborated about various PAU technologies for water conservation like rainwater harvesting structures, drip irrigation in vegetable and field crops and water saving methods in our day to day life. Dr. Munish Sharma Assistant Professor (Horticulture) appealed the students about the importance of tree plantation to beautify the surrounding environment, increase green cover and to purify the air we breathe. Students were further motivated to spread the message among the farming community regarding adoption of water conservation technologies. Principal, Government Senior Secondary School thanked the KVK team for organizing such programme. Students and faculty members participated in the plantation drive along with KVK team and planted trees to increase the green cover and beautify the school and college campus.