Krishi Vigyan Kendra Handiaya (Barnala) of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana’s has organized a five days specialized “Scientific Pig farming” training programme to promote self employment. Dr. P. S. Tanwar Deputy Director (Training), KVK, Handiaya (Barnala) inaugurate the training programme and said that pig farming is a emerging field for self employment and farmers may get higher income by adopting scientific management practices and value addition of meat with technical guidance of GADVASU, Ludhiana. Dr. Tanwar motivate to the trainees to formulate the group of pig farmers to solve the marketing related problems. He also discussed about construction of housing and formulation of feed for different categories of pigs. Dr. Y.S.Jadaun delivered the lecture on various breeds of pig. Management of pigs during inclined weather condition and importance of deworming.
Dr. G.S. Dhaliwal, Prof. Department VAHE, GADVASU Ludhiana explained about reproductive management and emphasis the techniques to solve these problems easily and in better way. Dr. Malav Department of LPT, GADVASU stressed on value addition of meat and explained various methods. Dr. Randhir Singh AP ( LPM), KVK Mohali, delivered lecture importance of vaccination, vaccination schedule. Various diseases and their control in pigs.
A total 39 rural youths and farmers from different villages of Barnala district participated in this training programme and an exposure visit were arranged for the trainees at “BITI Pig farm” village Sangheda (Barnala). This farmer has awarded State Chief Minister award 2015 for Pig farming and trainees were fully satisfied and show the willingness to start the pig farming.