Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) celebrated World Fisheries Day on 21st November, 2016 in its office premises at Kurali. A good number of farmers of district Mohali associated with fish farming and other agri related activities participated in the event. Dr. Vikas Phulia, Assistant Professor (Fisheries) while welcoming the delegates and farmers described the importance of World Fisheries Day. He also explained the importance of integrated fish farming in generating additional farm income. S. Jitender Singh Gill, Senior Fisheries Officer of district Mohali discussed regarding status and scope of fish farming in Punjab state. He also informed regarding various financial schemes for fish farming by state fisheries department. Dr. Abhed Pandey, Assistant Professor from College of Fisheries, GADVASU, Ludhiana provided detailed information regarding business opportunities in ornamental fish farming. He said that ornamental fish farming can be started at small scale and offered a potential source of employment to unemployed youth and women. During the event a video documentary on ‘How to do fish farming?’ was also shown to the participants for better understanding of fish farming. S. Dalvinder Singh, progressive pig farmer explained the economics of pig farming and its integration with agriculture and fish farming. S. Rattan Singh, Officer Punjab National Bank provided information regarding financial schemes related to animal husbandry. Dr. Yashwant Singh, Deputy Director KVK delivered the concluding remarks and encouraged farmers to adopt fish farming.