A Kisan-Pashupalak Sammelan-2015 was organised at village Mehal Kalan district Branal by Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana.
The Sammelan was inaugurated by Dr. A.S.Nanda, Vice Chancellor, GADVASU, Ludhiana. He addressed gathering of the dairy farmers and said that animal husbandry and related enterprises has great chance and scope for employment for rural youth in the state. He added that fish farming is another new area for enhancing the income and social status of the farmers. He stated that foot and mouth disease affect the large number of animals in Punjab resulting great economic loss. He advised that vaccination must be followed by dairy farmers to protect their animals from the disease infection. Farmers may get higher income by adopting the value addition in milk he added . Dr Nanda released a Farmer’s Telephone directory prepared by KVK, Barnala.
Dr. H.K.Verma, Director Extension Education, GDAVASU, Ludhiana stated that the coming time is a time of scientific knowledge and by adopting this scientific knowledge a dairy farmer can improve the productivity and reproductivity of dairy animals as well as crops productions also. He further added that the farmers may get the scientific knowledge from Vet Varsity as well as from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barnala.
Dr. Prahalad Singh Tanwar, Deputy Director(Training), KVK, Barnala welcomed Vice Chancellor and all the guest as well as farmers and put a brief note on mandate and activities performed by KVK for farming community. He emphasised farmers to reduce the cost of cultivation by adopting the soil testing. He said that extravagant use of fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides should not be used as these create a number of problems for human health. He suggested that farmers must be in touch with Scientists before use of any such type of input. He also advocated direct seeding of rice (DSR) and use of tensionmeter for saving of irrigation water in paddy. He further added that by use of leaf colour chart in paddy nearly 25 KG urea per acre may be saved.
Dr.M.P. Gupta Prof. gave remedies for the problems of livestock related to health. Dr. Udaibir Singh, stressed on feeding of balance ration and inclusion of mineral mixture in ration of the animals.
A quiz session was also conducted and winner farmers and farm women were awarded by Vice Chancellor. An Exhibitions was also laid by different department of GADVASU,Ludhaiana, KVK, Barnala, Self-help group and by private companies to show the technologies.
Dr. A.S. Nanda also visited a pig farm at village Sagheda (Barnala) and appreciated the efforts made by farmer. He planted a plant in KVK premises to promote the plantation. Large number of farmers, farm women, dairy farmers and public representative participated in this Sammelan.