Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) organized chicks distribution camp under frontline demonstration and one day training on “rearing of chicks during winter”.The programme organizer Dr. Shashi pal told that backyard poultry farming can be started with very low capital investment and results in a better income generation as well secure nutritional requirement. At initial phase, backyard poultry may include at least two hens and one cock. He talked about the scientific rearing of chicks during winter season. He guided participants to provide required space per chick and maintain proper temperature from day old to 6-7 weeks of age. During first hour of arrival of chicks, they should be provided jaggery water and 3-4 hours later feed should be provided. Clean, fresh or luke warm drinking water should be offered 3-4 times in a day. KVK, Mohali distributed 300 good quality and healthy chicks of Desi cross and Kadaknath breeds to the farmers. The benefited farmers got 30 chicks each. Among these farmers, some farmers recently started backyard poultry or some will strengthen their backyard poultry capacity. Farmers got written technical guidelines regarding literature on rearing of chicks. Farmers thanked to KVK, Mohali for such support and also ensured to provide feedback of performance of the birds.