Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran organized online programme on balanced use of fertilizers in agricultural and horticultural crops . Dr Balwinder Kumar, Associate Director (T) welcomed all the participants and awared the farmers and students on soil health card scheme. Dr Kumar said that expenditure on costly fertilizer inputs can be reduced significantly by soil testing. Soil testing is important to ensure balanced fertilization in different crops resultant improved soil health as well as sustainable crop production. He further added that application of biofertilizers improve the microbial population in soil and enhance nutrient cycling vis-a-vis nutrient availability to plants. Dr Anil Kumar, Soil Scientist at KVK, stressed upon adoption of scientific techniques for soil health improvement and emphasized that we should make efforts to conserve and sustain our soils, which is otherwise getting deteriorated through the indiscriminate use of fertilizers. He urged farmers to come forward for testing of soils regularly and fertilizer application should be done following recommendations given in the soil health card, so that soil fertility could be sustained for longer duration. Dr Kumar elaborated about the fertilizer scheduling for current paddy and fodder maize. He discussed in detail about the split application of urea in paddy and also about management of zinc and iron deficiency in paddy. Farmers also visited KVK and made awared about balanced fertilization based on soil testing. 35 farmers guided on balanced fertilization through online and offline mode