Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barnala organized an Agri-Entrepreneurs Meet for Financial Assistance through Banks in the guidance of Dr. P. S. Tanwar, Associate Director, KVK, Barnala. During this event Dr. Tanwar welcomed the officers from State Bank of India, Food Safety Officer, District Health Officer, farmers, farm women and members of self help groups. He said that KVK organized different types of skill oriented trainings programmes to create self employment among farming community. He said that a number of problems are faced by farmers after starting their own enterprises and KVK, Barnala is being solved technical problems of entrepreneurs on priority basis. He also informed that a honey processing unit is to be started at Krishi Vigyan Kendra and honey producer from District Barnala may process their honey in this unit.
Sh. Jaswinder Singh, Food Safety Officer explained in detail that how agri entrepreneurs may get FSSAI licence and can expand their business after getting this licence. Sh. B. Sekhar Vats, Chief Manager, State Bank of India, Barnala shared information about the various schemes of banks implemented for welfare of the farmers and loan procedure, how a farmer can get loan for agriculture and allied enterprises. Bank officers cleared the doubts of farmers about loan from Banks. Entire loan sanctioning team of SBI, Barnala was present there. 34 trained youth, farmers, farm women and members of self help groups were registered themselves for obtaining loan for different enterprises, they willing to start. 120 farmers, farm women. Rural youths, members of Self Help Groups were participated in this meet.