The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar (Mohali) conducted a village level camp to create awareness regarding Management of Crop Residue at village Bhupnagar, block Majri. Forty farmers/youth/farmwomen attended this program. The program was coordinated by Dr. Shashi Pal and Dr. Vikas Phulia. In the inaugural address, Dr. Shashi Pal, Assistant Professor, Livestock Production apprised the farmers regarding the purpose of this program and appealed them to shun the practice of burning the crop residue and rather mix it in the field. He also discussed the usages of crop residue in dairy farming. Dr. Vikas Phulia, Assistant Professor, Fisheries provided an overview of various technological options available for appropriate management of crop residue. He also highlighted the utilization of crop residue at industrial level. Dr. Munish Sharma discussed in detail regarding utilization of crop residue in horticulture. Dr. Phulia told regarding various in-situ crop residue machineries available for farmers at KVK Mohali. The experts appealed the farmers to ensure zero cases of stubble burning in their village and help the administration to get rid of this menace of stubble burning to make our environment better for living beings.