Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) organized Block level camp on crop residue management at village Sahauran on 15.11.2019 under the leadership of Dr.Yashwant Singh in which more than 100 farmers participated. On this occasion, Dr. Munish Sharma, Assistant Professor (Horticulture) appealed farmers to not burn the paddy straw and suggested mixing it in the field to increase the fertility of the land. He also mentioned the role of paddy straw as mulching in horticultural crops. Dr. Priyanka Suryawanshi, Assistant Professor (Agronomy) briefed on the new straw-related machinery and its working to manage crop residues. Dr. Krishna Anand, Agriculture Development Officer, informed about the schemes and subsidies of the Agriculture Department for the farmers. Dr. Shashi Pal, Assistant Professor (Livestock Production) gave a lecture on the use of paddy straw in animals. Mr. Paramjit Singh, Veterinary Inspector informed about animal management and vaccination. Sarpanch S. Ramanjit Singh and S.Harjit Singh thanked KVK faculty for organizing this program.