A one day school level awareness activity was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) at Government High School, Boothgarh, Mohali with the motive to manage crop residues under the supervision of Deputy Director, KVK, Dr. Yashwant Singh. Speech, slogan writing & poster making competitions along with interactive session were conducted by Dr. Harmeet Kaur and Dr Parul Gupta. The winners of different competitive events were awarded with trophies. Programme incharge, Dr. Harmeet Kaur described the importance of in-situ crop residue management and motivated the school students to create awareness among farmers about crop residue management. Dr Parul Gupta explained the use of rice residues for decorative purpose. School Principal, Mrs. Jagjit Kaur & school staff attended this programme along with 100 students. They thanked KVK Mohali for organizing such activity & enhancing their knowledge about CRM.
Field demonstration with happy seeder was performed at four acre land of Mr. Daljinder Singh of adopted village, Mundho Sangtian. During this event, Dr. Harmeet Kaur & Dr. Vikas Phulia from KVK, Mohali guided the farmers regarding benefits of wheat sowing with happy seeder machine & its role for in-situ crop residue management. They also motivated other farmers to sow their wheat crop with happy seeder.