A one day workshop was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) at Universal Group of Institutions, Lalru, Mohali with the motive to manage crop residues under the supervision of Deputy Director, KVK, Dr. Yashwant Singh. Speech, Slogan Writing & Poster making competitions along with interactive session were conducted by programme incharge Dr. Harmeet Kaur & Dr. Vikas Phulia. The winners of different competitive events were awarded with trophies and certificates. Deputy Director, KVK motivated the college students to act as our ambassadors to create awareness among farmers about crop residue management. A film show on In-situ crop residue management was also shown to the students.
College Principal, Dr. Kompal Wadwhan & Department Head, Dr. Balbir Kumar attended this workshop along with 180 students & thanked KVK Mohali for organizing such programme & enhancing their knowledge about CRM.