Krishi Vigyan Kendra, S.A.S. Nagar organized a Kisan Gosthi under Jal Shakti Abhiyan to create awareness regarding water conservation on 29th August, 2019 at Village Rattangarh. The camp was attended by 30 farmers of Rattangarh & Neolkha villages of district Mohali. While welcoming the farmers, Deputy Director KVK, Dr. Yashwant Singh encouraged the farmers to utilize the water in judicious manner. He encouraged farmers to replace paddy with low water demanding crops like maize, kharif moong and kharif mash. He urged farmers to spread the message of water conservation to every household of their respective villages. He also suggested various ways of water saving in livestock farms viz. installation of different types of water drinkers, nipple/bowl etc
Dr. Munish Sharma Assistant Professor (Horticulture) told farmers regarding micro-irrigation techniques like drip and sprinklers in vegetables for efficient utilization of water. He asked farmers to adopt crop diversification to enhance their farm income and use water judiciously.
Dr. Parul Gupta told participants to avoid wastage of water in domestic household activities. She also appealed them to install water alarm in roof top water storage tanks. Farmers also shared their experiences regarding water conservation techniques used in villages and assured their full cooperation in future for KVK activities.