Krishi Viygan Kendra, SAS Nagar (Mohali) organizes an animal awareness camp for the farmers at village salempur khurd. In total 22 farmers participated in this camp. On the occasion, Dr Yashwant Singh, Deputy Director, KVK apprised the farmers regarding different types of activities carried out by Kendra. He also encouraged farmers to get involved with KVK and avail the benefits provided to farmer by their institution. Dr. Randhir Singh, Assitant Professor, Livestock production informed farmers regarding various common diseases of dairy animals and their treatments. He also informed the farmers about KVK’s plan to organize animal welfare and treatment camp at village salempur khurd in near future. He also responded to various queries put up by farmers and gave prescriptions for the sick animals. During the event, Dr Vikas Phulla, Assitant Professor, Fisheries gave necessary information for ornamental fish farming and encouraged unemployed youth to take up this profession as a source of livelihood. He also provided knowledge in contexts of prospects of fish farming in village community ponds. Farmers were also made aware regarding 5 days vocational training course on ornamental fish farming to be organized next month and appealed farmers to participate in it. During the concluding ceremony, village sarpanch S, Avatr Singh and progressive pig farmer Harpinder Singh thanked the entire KVK team and assured all kinds of support.