

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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extension activity

KVK, Barnala organizes Kisan-Pashupalak Mela

March 8 Expiring at: May 10

Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Barnala organized a Kisan-Pashupalak Mela on 3rd March 2017. Dr. Amarjit Singh Nanda, Vice Chancellor, and Dr. H.K.Verma Director Extension Education of varsity were Chief Guest on this occasion. Dr. A.S.Nanada inaugurated the Kisan mela. in his opening  remarks he emphasized that GADVASU is preparing the graduates, post graduates and doctoral human resources in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and these students are providing their valuable services  in different parts of country as well as abroad also. Dr. Nanda further explained that the university and its KVK, Barnala is playing vital role in livestock development in Punjab to solve the problem of unemployment in the state and farmers may get benefit of their services for improvement of their livelihood. He appreciated the efforts of Kendra for development of farming community of the district. University is preparing uromin lick and the area specific mineral mixture for different areas of Punjab and capable to train the rural youth for preparing the same so that these inputs may available easily in the rural area of the state. He also told that farmers can earn more income by adopting scientific dairy farming, fish farming, goat farming, pig farming and poultry farming. Dr A.S Nanda Visited the entire exhibition laid out in the Mela and appreciated the technologies showcased at the stalls by different KVKs, Departments of GADVASU, line Departments and private Companies.

Dr. Verma said that GADVASU and its KVK, Barnala are conducting a number of activities for benefit of the farmers. He also told that farmers can earn more income by adopting scientific management practices for their animals. Dr. Verma also said that farmers may get buffalo bull of Murrah breed and buck of beetal goat at nominal rate for breed improvement from GADVASU, Ludhiana. He also informed farmers that university is going to organize a state level Pashu Palan Mela on 24th- 25th March 2017 at Ludhiana Campus.

Dr. Prahalad Singh Tanwar Associate Director of KVK said that KVK Handiaya has reached more than 100 villages of the district through its different activities and providing long duration skill based trainings in 27 areas for self employment to the farmers, farmwomen and rural youth of the district. A number of youth, farmer and farm women have started their own venture. He said that farmer can earn good profits by adopting integrated farming system and may utilize their resources judiciously. He also added that various inputs like Area specific mineral mixture, bypass fat, Uromin lick block, books and literature is available in KVK, Barnala.

On  this occasion a Kisan Gosthi was also organized and various scientists from GADVASU and PAU, Ludhiana described about scientific animal husbandry practices and scientific agricultural farming practices to solve the problems of the farmers.  A question answer session was also held in the Mela and winner farmers and farm women were rewarded and certificates were also distributed to the trainees by Dr. A. S. Nanda and Dr. H. K. Verma.

Dr. Nanda also inaugurated the Net house unit and Bee-keeping units at  KVK, Barnala as well as visited the KVK instructional farm. Dr. K.S Matharu Assistant Professor (Plant Protection) KVK, Barnala put a vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, public representatives, farmers and farm women.

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