Study revealed that majority of Dairy farm women were having medium knowledge regarding management practice, feeding and health.
Majority of the dairy farm women were having no concept of silage making post milking teat dip.
Only 40% of dairy farm women are aware of importance of Mineral mixture and were feeding to their animals.
More than 80% of dairy farm women wanted to be trained in scientific dairy farming at village level.
While studding the impact of training on the trainee it was found that majority of trainee were in the age group of 20-30 year and had studied up to maticulate level.
There was significant gain the knwoledge of the trainee with respect to various sub area of dairying after attending training programme.
Overall adoption of artficial insemination was 57.22% in Punjab which was highest in flood plain zone and lowest in western plain zone of PB.
Adoption of FMD & HS vaccination was grantor to full extent where as deworming, tick control & udder health management were not fully adopted by farmer of all agroclimatic zones of Punjab.