Faculty Detail
Dr. Meera D. Ansal
Designation: Principal Scientist & Head
Contact Address:Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab 141004
Telephone : 0161-2414061, 01612414056
Mobile: 9417109667
Email:meeradansal@gadvasu.in, ansalmd@gmail.com
Academic Credentials
- B.Sc Medical
- M.Sc. Zoology (Specialization - Fish & Fisheries)
- Ph.D. Zoology (Specialization - Fish & Fisheries)
- ASRB-NET (Fish & Fishery Sciences, 1997 & Aquaculture, 1998)
Teaching and Other Appointments
- UG and PG Teaching in
Aquaculture (Principles of Aquaculture, Fresh Water Aquaculture, Hatchery
Management & Seed Production, Aquaculture Nutrition, Aquaculture Ecosystem
Management, Soil & Water quality Management in Aquaculture).
Other Appointments
- Head, Department of Fisheries resource Management (Additional Charge)
- Member, Academic Council, GADVASU
- Member, RIC, GADVASU
- Member, Editorial Board, Vigyanik Pashu Palan
- Chairperson, Task Force to Monitor Women Safety and Security Issues in the Campus
- Chairperson, Academic Affairs Committee COF
- Chairperson, Board of Studies, COF
Area of Research Interests
- Aquaculture
Production Technology, Inland saline Water Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition - herbal supplements in fish nutrition, Azolla culture, Socio-economic evaluation of aquaculture, climate resilient aquaculture technologies, Intensive aquaculture Systems.
Ongoing Projects
- Establishment of Capacity Building Resource Centre for Intensive Aquaculture Technologies in Punjab- Recirculatory and Biofloc Aquaculture Systems funded by DOF, MoFAHD, GOI. Budget 139.05 lakh (PI)
- Establishment of Dedicated River Health Monitoring Cell at GADVASU for conservation and Restoration of the River Beas- PPCB, Punjab. Budget - 27.50 Lakh (PI)
- National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD)*- Surveillance of Freshwater and Saline Water Fish and Shellfish Diseases in Punjab - ICAR (Co-PI)
Research Honour’s /Awards
- Fellow, The Indian Ecological Society, Ludhiana (Punjab)
- Best Success Story Award by Indian Ecological Society, Ludhiana in International Conference - Natural Resource Management: Ecological Perspectives, held at SKUAST-Jammu, 18-20 February, 2016.
No. of Publications
Research: 51 | Extension: 18
| Books: 02
| Manuals: 04 |
Review Article: 12
| Booklet/Pamphlets: 15 | Road Map: 01 |
- Ansal M D and Dhawan A. (2021) Aquaculture for livelihoods and food security in North-western India. Aquaculture Asia, NACA, 25(2): 27-40
- Srivastava A, Ansal M D and Khairnar S O. 2020. Effect of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root powder Supplementation on Survival, Growth and Flesh quality of an Indian Major carp, labeo rohita (Ham.) Fingerlings. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. 20: 515-524 (NAAS 6.30)
- Ansal M D. 2020. Azolla for Socio-Economic Development of Farming Community and Environmental Benefits. Journal of Krishi Vigyan. 9 (Special issue on Fisheries): 21-28 (NAAS Rating – 4.55)
- Ansal M D. And Singh P. 2019. Development of Inland Saline water Aquaculture in Punjab, India- Transforming Adversity to Prosperity. Global Aquaculture Advocate. Issue May, 2019. https://www.aquaculturealliance.org/advocate/development-inland-saline-water-aquaculture-punjab-india/
- Kumari, A. Ansal, M.D. 2019. Evaluation of Aquaculture Units Established in Inland Salt Affected Areas of District Fazilka, Punjab. Indian Journal of Ecology. 46(1):196-200 (NAAS- 5.79)
- Khan, I. Dhawan, A. and Ansal, M.D. 2018. Effect of Aloe vera supplemented feed on survival and growth of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 35(2): 206-213 (NAAS-5.02)
- Singh, B. Tyagi, A. Tammegowda, N.K.B. and Ansal, M.D. 2018. Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of vibrios of human significance in inland saline aquaculture areas. Aquaculture Research 1-9 (NAAS-7.46)
- Kumari, A. Ansal, M.D., Singh, P. and Holeyappa, S.A. 2017 Evaluation of Aquaculture Units in salt affected areas of District Sri Mukatsar Sahib, Punjab. Indian Journal of Ecology 44(3): 632-636 (NAAS-5.79)
- Ansal M D. Kaur, K & Kaur, V I. 2016. Efficacy of Azolla Compost as Bio-fertilizer in Carp Culture – Water & Quality and Productivity. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 33(2):191-196 (NAAS-5.02)
- Ansal, M.D. Dhawan, A. Singh, G. and Kaur, K. 2016 Species selection for enhancing productivity of fresh water carps in inland saline water of Punjab- A field Study. Indian Journal of Ecology 43 (Special issue 1): 45-49. (NAAS- 5.79)
- Ansal, M.D. Dhawan, A. and Singh, G. 2013. Productivity of freshwater carps in inland salt affected waterlogged areas of Punjab, India- A field Study. Indian Journal of Ecology. 40 (2):284-289. (NAAS- 5.79)
- Kaur V.I. and Ansal M.D. 2010. Efficacy of vermicompost as fish pond manure – Effect on water quality and growth of Cyprinus carpio (Linn.). Bioresource Technology. 101(15): 6215-6218. (NAAS – 11.65)
- Ansal M.D., Dhawan A. and Kaur V.I. 2010. Duckweed based bio-remediation of village ponds- An ecologically and economically viable integrated approach for rural development through aquaculture. Livestock research for Rural Development www.lrrd.org/lrrd22/7/ansa22129.htm
- Ansal M.D. and Kaur K. 1998. Relative efficacy of dietary administration of 3,5,3’-tri-iodothyronine (T3) to different stages of an India major carp, Cirrhina mrigala (Hamilton) : Growth & Economics. Aquaculture Research. 29: 835-841. (NAAS-7.46)
- Kaur K. and Ansal M.D. (1996) Sensitivity of selected Zooplankton exposed to Phosphamidon, Fenitrothion and fenthion. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 57: 199-203. (NAAS-7.41).