Faculty Detail
Dr. Sarvpreet Singh Ghuman
Designation: Professor
Contact Address:Department of Veterinary Gynacology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab 141004
Telephone : 0161-2414007
Mobile: 8146237600
Academic Credentials
- B.V.Sc. & A.H.
- M.V.Sc.
- Ph. D. (Commonwealth Scholar, University of Liverpool)
Teaching and Other Appointments
- I have spent 17 years as a Gynaecologist/Obstetrician. At both
undergraduate and graduate levels, my current teaching interest includes
gynaecology and obstetrics courses especially neuroendocrinology of
reproductive axis in ruminants. To expose students to interactive
education and training, we have prepared a Video DVD entitled ‘Practical
aspects of Theriogenology in bovines’ (216 min). The aspects covered in
the DVD include anatomy of female genitalia, transrectal palpation of
genitalia, pregnancy diagnosis, fetal malpresentataions / correction,
fetotomy, Sharma’s method of uterine detorsion, epidural anesthesia,
Buehner’s suture, semen collection/freezing and artificial insemination.
My vision is to develop in students a professional competence in
evaluating and treating various reproductive problems and to enhance the
student’s understanding of role of reproduction in sustainable dairy
Other Appointments
- Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Area of Research Interests
- My goal is to promote high quality research in bovine reproduction with
potential on-field application and providing direct benefit to marginal
dairy farmers. My main research interests include: a) Increasing
survival rate of dystocia affected bovines, b) Development of an
economical and efficient fixed-time AI protocol for buffaloes reared in
tropical areas, c) Understanding physiological and genomic regulation of
summer stress-induced infertility in buffaloes and its alleviation
through genetic selection and endocrine interventions especially
melatonin implants, d) Neuroendocrinology of stress and reproduction in
ruminants, e) Uterine immunomodulation of endometritic cattle, f)
Improving fertility through application of approved artificial
insemination techniques, g) Increasing productive longevity of crossbred
cattle by ameliorating repeat breeding syndrome, h) Impact of pesticide
residues on bovine fertility, i) Use of nanotechnology aids for
improving estrus detection efficiency of buffaloes, and j) Development
of radioimmunoassay (RIA) procedures for various reproductive hormones
for diagnosing the aetiology of bovine infertility.
Ongoing Projects
Sr. No. | Name | Funding Agency | Year of Start |
1. | PI: Melatonin: A potential candidate for alleviating seasonal suppression of fertility in buffaloes. | Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi | 2012 |
2. | PI: Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) | Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi | 2012 |
3. | Co-PI: Uterine immunomodulation: a swap of anti-biotherapy in endometritic cattle. | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2012 |
4. | PI: Development of an economical and efficient fixed-time AI protocol for buffaloes reared in tropical areas. | Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) | 2011 |
5. | Co-PI: Environmental pollutants and zoonotic pathogens in Punjab: their impact on animal and human health. | University of Saskatchewan, Canada and RKVY | 2010 |
6. | Co-PI: Optimizing reproductive performance of dairy animals for sustainable milk production. | Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) | 2008 |
Research Honour’s /Awards
- Nils Lagerlof Memorial Award-2010: For Best Research Paper Published on Animal Reproduction in an International Journal.
- Dr N C Sharma Memorial Award-2010: For Best Research Paper Published in ‘Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction’.
- Best Presentation Award (Oral)-2009, 2010, 2011 during Annual Conventions of ISSAR.
- Best Presentation Award (Poster)-2008, 2010, 2011 during Annual Conventions of ISSAR.
- Young Scientist Award (Oral)-2009, 2010 during Annual Conventions of ISSAR.
- Young Scientist Award (Poster)-2009 during Annual Conventions of ISSAR.
- Best Poster Presentation Award-2010 during International Buffalo Conference.
- Appreciation Memento-2010’ from Smooh Gram Panchayat, Vill Badbar, Dist Barnala for working on dairy animal fertility.
- Certificate of Honour-2010’ for the ‘Best Review Article’ published in Intas Polivet Journal.
- Commonwealth Scholarship UK-2001 for pursuing Ph. D. studies at University of Liverpool, UK.
Students Guided
M.V.Sc./M.Sc:: 1>
Students Presently Working
M.V.Sc./M.Sc:: 1
No. of Publications
Research: 102 | Extension: 59
| Books: 08
| Manuals: 04 |
- Ghuman S P S, Honparkhe M, Singh Jagir, Dhami D S, Kumar Ajeet, Nazir G and Ahuja C S (2012) Fertility response using three estrus synchronization regimens in lactating anestrous buffaloes. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 82(2): 162-66.
- Ghuman S P S, Morris R, Scherzer J, Routly J E, Mobasheri A, Smith R F and Dobson H. (2011) Neuronal responses in the brainstem and hypothelemic nuclei following insulin treatment during the late follicular phase in the ewe. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 46: 121-29.
- Ghuman S P S, Morris R, Spiller D G, Smith R F and Dobson H. (2010) Integration Between Different Hypothalamic Nuclei Involved in Stress and GnRH Secretion in the Ewe. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45: 1065-73.
- Ghuman S P S, Singh Jagir, Honparkhe M, Dadarwal D, Dhaliwal G S and Jain A K. (2010) Induction of ovulation of ovulatory size nonovulatory follicles and initiation of ovarian cyclicity in summer anoestrous buffalo heifers (Bubalus bubalis) using melatonin implants. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45: 600-07.
- Ghuman S P S. (2010) Uterine torsion in bovines: a review. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 80(4): 289-305.
- Ghuman S P S, Singh J, Honparkhe M and Dadarwal D. (2009) Induction of ovulatory estrus using Ovsynch protocol and subsequent fertility in true anestrus buffalo heifers. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction 30(2): 1-5.
- Ghuman S P S, Dadarwal D, Honparkhe M, Singh J and Dhaliwal G S. (2009) Production of polyclonal antiserum against progesterone for radioimmunoassay. Indian Veterinary Journal 86: 909-11.
- Ghuman S P S, Prabhakar S, Smith R F, Dobson H. (2007) Gamma amino butyric acid control of AVP release from ewe hypothalamic slices in vitro: sensitivity to oestradiol. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 42(5): 527-535.
- Dobson H, Ghuman S, Prabhakar S and Smith R. (2003) A conceptual model of the influence of stress on female reproduction. Reproduction 125: 151-63.
- Ghuman S P S, Sharma R D, Nanda A S and Prabhakar S. (1998) Effect of certain clinical procedures and stressors on plasma cortisol milieu in dystocia affected buffaloes. Buffalo Journal 14 (1): 71-79.