

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਐਂਡ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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College of Fisheries

Faculty Detail

Dr. Ajeet Singh

Designation: Associate Professor (Fisheries)
Contact Address:Department of Fish Processing Technoology, College Of Fisheries, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab 141004
Telephone : 0161- 2414061
Mobile: 9780057372,,

Academic Credentials

  • Bachelor of Fisheries (B.F.Sc.)
  • M.F.Sc. (Aquaculture)
  • Ph.D. (Fisheries Resource Management)

Teaching and Other Appointments

  • Active involvement in the undergraduate and post graduate teaching of the courses belongs to the Department of Fish Processing Technology and taking courses on Fish in Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Fish Products and Value Addition, Freezing Technology, Quality Assurance of Fish and Fishery Products, Fishing Craft and Gear Technology. For smooth and effective teaching, published three teaching manuals. To impart quality education among the students particularly undergraduate students, initialed ‘Experiential Learning Programme’ in the field of fish processing and value addition

Other Appointments

  • Nodal Officer for PMS scheme, College of Fisheries, GADVASU
  • Member, Anti Ragging Squad of College of Fisheries, GADVASU 
  • Member, Board of Studies (BOS), College of Fisheries, GADVASU
  • Member, Administrative cum Budget Committee, College of Fisheries, GADVASU
  • Member, Academic Affairs Committee, College of Fisheries, GADVASU
  • Member, Research Committee, College of Fisheries, GADVASU

Area of Research Interests

  • Development of emulsion based value added fish products and quality evaluation.
  • Development of economically important fish byproducts from fish processing waste.
  • Development of extracted fish protein and fiber rich bakery products

Ongoing Projects

Sr. No.


Title of Project

Funding Agency




Extraction of chitosan from shrimp shell and its evaluation against potential bacterial pathogens in processed fish

Institutional Funding

Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

Awarded in March 2024

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Demonstration and replication of Pangas Culture and processing model validated under agro-climatic conditions of Punjab. 


January 2022 to March, 2023





Entrepreneurship skill development among Scheduled Castes (SC) communities of selected districts of Punjab through fish processing and value addition


01-08-2021 to 30-03-2022




Standardization of breeding and rearing technology of high value vulnerable catfish Pangasius pangasius under agro-climatic condition of Punjab.

UGC, New Delhi

01-07-2015 to 30-06-2018




Processing of carps into different value added products & by-products for enhanced economic returns.


6-10-2010 to 31-03-2015




Refinement and evaluation of fish descaling machine and entrepreneurship development.

CIPHET, Ludhiana, Institutional Funding


Sept, 2010 to Aug., 2012




Promoting fish culture through reclamation of village ponds and integrated fish livestock farming.


03-02-2009 – 31-03-2015

Research Honour’s /Awards

  • “Best Poster Award” for poster entitled “Nutritional and Textural Characteristics of Fish Protein Powder and Fiber Enriched Biscuits”  During IESFAC-2023, organized by the Indian Ecological Society and Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana during 22-24 February 2023
  • “Honorary Fellow”  Society of Life Sciences, Satna (M.P)   during National Seminar on “Contemporary issues in fisheries and aquaculture” organized by College of Fisheries, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar organised during 19-20, May, 2022 at Pantnagar 
  • “Best Extension Worker Award” for the year 2018-19. From Guru Angad Dev veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana.
  • “Best Poster Award” for the research poster presented on “Nutritional Significance of Gelatin Prepared from Rohu (Labeo rohita) Waste” in National conference on “Bioactive Compounds and Functional Foods in Health and Disease Management” held at NIFTEM, MOFPI, Nov, 15 -16, 2013.

No. of Publications

Research: 30Extension: 15      Books: Nil 
  Manuals: 03


  • Ajeet Singh, Vijay Kumar Reddy Surasani and Siddhnath Kumar. 2023. Evaluation of Proximate Composition, Oxidative Stability and Sensory Characteristics of Ready to Eat Fish Balls Prepared from Rohu (Labeo Rohita) Mince Stored at Refrigeration Temperature. J Krishi Vigyan. 11: 85-90. DOI: 10.5958/2349-4433.2023.00091.0 NAAS Rating – 4.95
  • Shiwam, D., Singh Ajeet., Naveen, K. B. T., Singh, N.K. & Tyagi, A. 2021. Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriophages from Inland Saline Aquaculture Environments to Control Vibrio parahaemolyticus Contamination in Shrimp. Indian Journal of Microbiology. DOI: 10.1007/s12088-021-00934-6. NAAS Rating – 9.00 
  • Datta, S. N., Singh A., Jassal, G., & Pandey A. 2018. A study on induced breeding, embryonic and larval development of Pangassionodon hypophthalmus in semi -arid agro climate. Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(5), 671-676. NAAS Rating – 6.70
  • Singh, K., Singh A., Datta, S. N. & Kaur, S. 2018. Changes in biochemical composition in flesh of common carp, Cyprinus carpio (L.) fingerlings, fed with diets replacing soybean with fish silage protein at different levels. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(3), 1725-1728. NAAS Rating – 5.53
  • Datta S. N., Dhawan A., Kumar S., Singh A. and P. Parida. 2017. Standardization of stocking density for maximizing biomass production of Pangasius pangasius in pond cage aquaculture. Journal of Environmental Biology.38: 237-242. NAAS Rating – 6.70
  • Singh A., Singh, R., Ansal, M.D., & Datta, S. N. 2015. Meat recovery, biochemical composition of raw and processed Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cultured in saline waters of Punjab. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 21(2), 981-984. NAAS Rating – 5.41
  • Singh A., Datta, S.N., Dhawan, A., & Abhishek Srivastava 2014. Meat Recovery and Biochemical Analysis of Carp Meat Under Composite Farming. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 17(1), 87-90. NAAS Rating – 5.25
  • Singh A., Datta, S.N., Dhawan, A., & Srivastava, A. 2014. Meat recovery and biochemical, sensory properties of fish products under different processing practices. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 20 (2), 581-586. NAAS Rating – 5.05
  • Singh A., Singh, I.J., Ram, R.N., & Kushwaha, B. 2008. Ovarian development in Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland) during active reproductive phase under captive and wild conditions. Journal of Environmental Biology, 29(2), 169-174. NAAS Rating – 6.70
  • Kushwaha, B., Singh, H., Singh, I.J., & Singh A. 2007. Production of inter-specific hybrids of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland) and Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 77(7), 638-641. NAAS Rating – 6.40