Faculty Detail
Dr. B.V. Sunil Kumar
Designation: Senior Scientist
Contact Address:Department of Microbial and Environmental Biotechnology, College of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana-141004
Telephone :
Mobile: 9855943164
Email:drbvskumar@gmail.com, sunilkumar@gadvasu.in
Academic Credentials
- B.V.Sc & A.H. (WBUAFSC, Kolkata, West Bengal)
- M.V.Sc (Animal Biochemistry; ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, U.P)
- Ph.D. (Animal Biochemistry; ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, U.P)
Teaching and Other Appointments
Field of specialization: Animal Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
- I Have been teaching Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology to UG and PG students of the College of Animal Biotechnology and Department of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry.
Other Appointments
- Member-Research Review Committee, (College of Animal Biotechnology)
- Member Secretary-Academic affairs committee, (College of Animal Biotechnology)
- Member-Disciplinary Committee, (College of Animal Biotechnology)
- Member Secretary-Human Resource Management cell (College of Animal Biotechnology)
- Academic Co-ordinator (B.Tech, Biotechnology)
- Member-Academic affairs committee, (Dept Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry)
Area of Research Interests
- My research area of interest is Tumor biology and Genetic Engineering.
- My work involves molecular diagnosis of tumors in animals by developing recombinant antigen based serological assay. Present work also includes identification and characterization of marker genes/proteins responsible for the pathogenesis of the disease.
- Currently, I am working on development of therapeutic xenogenic DNA vaccines against canine mammary tumors in a DBT sponsored project. I am also associated (as co-PI) in another DBT sponsored network project on the development of diagnostics against African Swine Fever.
Ongoing Projects
Sr. no.
Funding Agency
Year of Start
Development and evaluation of therapeutic xenogenic DNA
vaccines based on canine homologous marker sequences against mammary tumors
in mice model
2018-21 (Phase-I completed; recommended for Phase-II
in 2021)
Modelling of indigenous diagnostics and immuno-potent vaccine
candidates to combat African swine fever in India (co-PI).
Development and evaluation of sero-diagnostic assay for timely
diagnosis of canine mammary tumors
Studies on expression of heat shock proteins of Brucella spp
and their immunological characterization in mice
Research Honour’s /Awards
- I.C.A.R Junior Research Fellowship
- Best research paper award (By Society of Veterinary Science & Biotechnology, 2015
- Young scientist award (ISVIB-2016)
- Best poster award (co-author, NSSLDFN-2016)
- Young Scientist award (co-author; SIIP-2021)
- Best poster award (co-author; ISBD-2021)
- Best paper presentation award (VIBCON-2019-21)
- Best poster award (co-author; VIBCON-2019-21)
No. of Publications
Research: 48 | Extension: 18
| Books/Chapter: 05
| Manuals: 08 |
- Sharma. A., Kumar, B.V.S., Dubey, P.P. & Kashyap, N. (2022). Delay in puberty is associated with heat shock protein B1 expression in native cross layer of Punjab under heat stress. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 57(3):284-291 (NAAS 2022: 8.01)
- Minhas, P., Kumar, B.V.S. & Verma, R. (2021). Expression of recombinant DnaK of Brucella abortus and its evaluation as immuno-modulator. Archives of Microbiology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00203-021-02190-0 (NAAS 2022: 8.667)
- Kaur, G., Kuma,r B.V.S., Singh, B. & Sethi, R.S. (2021). Exposures to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid with or without endotoxin upregulate small cell lung cancer pathway. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 16:14 (NAAS 2022: 8.646)
- Sharma, A., Kumar, B.V.S., Dash, S., Singh, S. & Verma, R. (2020). Heat shock protein B1 expression is associated with age at sexual maturity in Rhode Island Red and Punjab Red layers under heat stress. International Journal of Biometeorology. doi.org/10.1007/s00484-020-01887-z (NAAS 2022: 9.787)
- Singh, P.P., Singh, S., Kumar, B.V.S., Sethi, R.S. & Verma R. (2020). Serum amyloid A (SAA) mRNA expression in chicken and quails in response to bacterial stress. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. doi.org/10.1016/j.cimid.2020.101421 (NAAS 2022: 8.729)
- Saleem, A., Singh, S., Kumar, B.V.S., Arora, J.S. & Choudhary, R.K. (2019). Analysis of lysyl oxidase as a marker for diagnosis of canine mammary tumors. Molecular Biology Reports https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-019-04941-1 (NAAS 2022: 8.742)
- Minhas, P., Kumar, B.V.S. & Verma, R. (2019). Evaluation of immuno-modulating effect of recombinant heat shock protein 40 of Brucella abortus in mice. 3 Biotech 9: 366 (NAAS 2022: 8.893)
- Birdi, R., Kumar, B.V.S., Gupta, K., Kashyap, N. & Kumar A. (2019). Circulating level of heat shock protein 27 is elevated in dogs with mammary tumors. 3 Biotech 9:229 (NAAS 2022: 8.893)
- Kumar, B.V.S., Bhardwaj, R., Mahajan, K., Kashyap, N., Kumar, A. & Verma, R. (2018). The overexpression of HSP90B1 is associated with tumorigenesis of canine mammary glands. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 440:23–31 (NAAS 2022: 9.842)
- Pandey, M., Kumar, B.V.S., Gupta, K., Sethi, R.S., Kumar, A., Verma, R. (2018). Over-expression of mammaglobin-B in canine mammary tumors. BMC Veterinary Research 14:184-189 (NAAS 2022: 8.741)
- Kumar, B.V.S., Singh, S. & Verma, R. (2017). Anticancer potential of dietary vitamin D and ascorbic acid: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition DOI:10.1080/10408398.2015.1064086 (NAAS 2022: 17.18)