

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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Ongoing Research Projects

List of Ongoing Research Schemes as on 9.8.2010

During the year 2010, a total of 125 research schemes are operational as detailed below:

Schemes Nos.
Non Plan Scheme 40
Plan Schemes 11
ICAR /Adhoc Scheme 16
Revolving Fund Scheme 4
Misc. Scheme 20
RKVY ongoing Scheme 18
RKVY new Scheme 18
Total 125


8 Plan schemes (related to teaching & extension are not mentioned)


Research Schemes Operational during 2010

Sr. Non Plan Schemes
1. Animal Disease Research Centre & Strg. of Diagnostic Facilities & experimentation(NPV-3)
2. Intensification of Research in animal nutrition (NPV-6)
3. Control of Mastitis in the Punjab State – A Pilot Project (NPV-7)
4. Research Facilities for Dairy Cattle & Buffalo Breeding (NPV-8)
5. Genetic Improvement of egg type stocks (NPV-9)
6. Establishment of Small Animal Colony at GADVASU (NPV-10)
7. Internal Diseases of Dairy Animals – their clinicopathological diagnostic & therapeutic aspects (NPV-20)
8. Nutritional deficiency diseases of dairy animals their clinico, pathological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects (NPV-21)
9. Research on Diagnostic aid & surgical treatment of muscule skeletal and abdominal disorders in large animals (NPV-22)
10. Research on Poultry Diseases (NPV-24)
11. Establishment of Research-cum-Diagnostic Laboratory for Rabies (NPV-25)
12. Toxicity Studies on Insecticides in Livestock (NPV-26)
13. Reproductive Disorders in Dairy Animals (NPV-27)
14. Recovery, cryopreservation & Embryo Transfer in buffaloes & crossbred cattle (NPV-29)
15. Creation of Facilities for Rearing of meat animals i.e. goat, pig and rabbit (NPV-30)
16. Germplasm Multiplication of Egg Type Poultry Stocks (NPV-31)
17. Physical Facilities to Breed Quails for Meat & Egg (NPV-32)
18. Additional Facilities for Modernization of Dairy Operation (NPV-33)
19. Advanced Research Centre for Buffalo Reproduction (NPV-34)
20. Rearing of Buffaloes male calves for Meat (NPV-35)
21. Improvement of buffalo and crossbred cattle through nutrition effect of plans of nutrition on their growth rate age at puberty, pregnancy and lactation (NPV-38)
22. Seed Production in Forage Crops (NPV-39)
23. Anatomical, Histological, Histochemical, Electron Microscopic studies as related to Hormonal & Biochemical profile on female reproductive organs in buffalo (NPV-40)
24. Immunological Studies on the Helminthic Diseases of Livestock (NPV-41)
25. Immunological Control of Cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) (NPV-42)
26. Studies on viral, bacterial and mycotic infection of cattle and buffaloes with a view to develop diagnostic kits and suitable vaccines (NPV-43)
27. Studies on the Utilization and Popularization of processed meat products prepared from buffaloes and other species (NPV-44)
28. Regional Livestock Research Centre at Bathinda (NPV-46)
29. Regional Livestock Research Centre, Kapurthala (NPV-47)
30. Research Lab. For feed evaluation and processing (NPV-51)
31. Improvement of Forages and Establishment of Forage Unit (NPV-52)
32. Reproductive Biology Ecology and Management of birds and mammals (NPV-53)
33. Strengthening of Fisheries Research (NPV-54)
34. Fisheries Research Scheme (NPV-55)
35. Establishment of Fisheries Unit (NPV-56)
36. Establishment of Research-cum-Quality Control Laboratory for Livestock/Poultry Farmers and Feed Manufacturers (NPV-59)
37. Introduction and Breeding of Naked Neck Rohde Island Red and other Miscellaneous Stock of Poultry (NPV-60)
38. Molecular and Cytogenetic studies on animals for faster general gains (NPV-61)
39. Sustainable aquaculture technology for salt-affected/water-logged areas of Punjab(NPV-62)
40. University Administration NP-3


Sr. Non Plan Schemes
1. Establishment of Regional Research Centre for Nili Ravi Buffalo (PV-1)
2. Regional Livestock Research Centre for Sahiwal Cattle (PV-2)
3. Studies on Goat for Meat &Milk Production Under Stall-fed Conditions in Punjab(PV-5)
4. Pesticide- induced adverse effects: Implication on livestock production (PV-9)
5. Development of strategies for production of safe and residue free animal origin food (PV-10)
6. Integrated Management and Control of Parasitic Diseases in domestic animals for Enhancing livestock productivity in different agro-climatic zones of Punjab State (PV-11)
7. Diagnosis and Control of Brucellosis-a-dreadful Zoonotic disease in Domestic Livestock for Enhancing Productivity in Punjab State (PV-12)
8. Diagnosis and control of Brucellosis-a dreadful Zoonotic disease in Domestic Livestock for Enhancing Productivity in Punjab State (PV-12)
9. Establishment of Research Centre and Referral hospital for Equines (PV -4)
10. Brood stock improvement of Indian Major carps for quality seed production (PV-18)
11. Regional Livestock and Poultry Research and Training Centre for Kandi Area (PV-13)



Sr. ICAR Schemes
1. Network Project on buffalo Improvement (Main Unit) (ICAR-2)
2. Network Project on Buffalo Improvement (Field unit) (ICAR-3)
3. Project Directorate on Cattle Field Progeny Testing Project (ICAR-4)
4. All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry Improvement (ICAR-5)
5. AICRP on improvement of feed resources and nutrient Utilization in raising animal production (ICAR-6)
6. Project Directorate on animal disease monitoring & surveillance (ICAR-11)
7. Sustainable livestock based Framing System for Livelihood Security in Hoshiarpur District of Punjab (ICAR-12) NAIP
8. Rumen Microbial Diversity in Domesticated and Wild Ruminant and Impact of Additives on Methanogenesis and Utilization of Poor Quality Fibrous feeds (ICAR-13) NAIP
9. All India Network Programme on H.S. (ICAR -15)



Sr. ADHOC Schemes
10. Antiluteolytic strategies – a novel approach to enhance fertility in buffalo (ICAR-8)
11. Ultra Structural and Immunochemical Studies on reproductive organs during prenatal Development in Buffalo (ICAR-12)
12. Outreach/Network programme on estimation of Methane Emission under different Feeding systems and development of Mitigation Strategies (ICAR-14)
13. AICRP on Cattle-New Project Sahiwal (Data Recording Unit) (ICAR-16)
14. Economic Impact of FMD and its control in the Dairy and Meat value chains of selected high potential regions of India – A pilot study (ICAR-19 old)(ICAR-17 new).
15. Isolation and Characterization of animal adenoviruses for development of a novel viral vector for vaccine delivery (ICAR-)
16. Modernization of Agricultural University Farms (ICAR-19)



Sr. Revolving Fund Schemes
1. Processing & Distribution of Milk (RF-3)
2. Production of table size fish and fish seed (RF-4)
3. Resource Mobilization from Poultry Farm (RF-5)
4. Utilization of Institutional Charges provided in various adhoc Research scheme funded by the ICAR & Other Agencies (RF-9)



Sr. Miscellaneous Schemes
1. Identification of target molecule on B cells which binds Infectious Bursal Diseases (IBD) virus and its regulation for immunoprophylaxis of IBD in chicken (DBT)
2. Characterization of antimicrobial peptide genes in buffaloes in health and disease (DBT)
3. Isolation and characterization of sperm specific antigenic protein (s) with immunocontraceptive potential in dog (DBT)
4. Differential response to heat stress and production of monoclonal antibodies against Hsp 70 in Buffalo (DBT)
5. Development of a novel marker vaccine for Bovine Herpesvirus-I (BHV-I) and companions diagnostic (DBT)
6. To evaluate the in-vitro and in-vivo therapeutic potential of Bacteriophages (DBT)
7. Molecular characterization of Toll Like Receptors (TLR-2,3,4,9) in Indian Major Corp) Catla-Catla (DBT)
8. Pharmacokinetics-Phamacodynamics integration & Toxicological studies of fluoroquinolones & cephalosporins in buffalo species (CSIR)
9. Open Nucleus Breeding System to improve Sahiwal Cattle and Nili Ravi Buffalo in the State of Punjab (CSS)
10. Isolation and Characterization of animal adenoviruses for development of a novel viral vector for vaccine delivery (DBT)
11. Repeatability and reproducibility studies on milk somatic cell count in buffaloes using direct cell counter (DeLaval)
12. Improving fertility through application of approved artificial insemination technique in bovine
13. Improvement of dairy animals through Embryo Transfer Technology at the institutional farm and field conditions- ETT (PDDB)
14. Confirmation of lactation performance and animal safety of dairy animals of the Bos sp. and Bubalus sp. treated with recombinant bovine somatotrophin (AHC/ELANCO)
15. Processing of turkey meat into value added meat products and popularization thereof(RKVY)
16. Development and Dissemination of need based cost effective technologies to promote livestock and fish production in Punjab (RKVY)
17. Enhancing Livestock Production in Punjab through Need-based Research and Development Activities (RKVY)
18. MVSc / M.Sc. in Animal Biotechnology (DBT)
19. Utilization of Inland saline waters of south-west Punjab for Agriculture (PSFC)
20. Conservation and Improvement of Sahiwal Breed of Cattle in Punjab – Beetal Goat -ONBS (CSS)



Sr. Ongoing - RKVY Scheme entitled, “Development and Dissemination of need based cost effective technologies to promote livestock and fish production in Punjab”
A-1. Promoting Fish Production through bioremediation of village ponds and through integrated fish-livestock farming
A-2. Processing and evaluation of fruit, vegetable and cannery wastes as livestock, poultry and fish feed
A-3. Optimizing reproductive performance of dairy animals for sustainable milk production
A-4. Hastening Onset of Puberty and Economical Rearing of Superior Replacement Buffalo Heifers
A-5. Assessing nutritional requirements of quails
A-6. Strategic feeding in lowering the age of sexual maturity in crossbred heifers
B-1. Monitoring and management of mineral profiles for optimal animal health and production in different agro-climatic zones of Punjab
B-2. Development and Adoption of Integrated Parasite Management Strategies for Enhancing Livestock Productivity in Rural Punjab
B-3. Development of rapid diagnostic protocols and therapeutic management of digestive disorders in dairy animals
B-4. Studies on vaccine failure and on strategies for effective prevention of Foot and Mouth Disease and Haemorrhagic Septicemia
B-5. Monitoring and managing the re-emergence of important diseases of livestock
B-6. Strategies to mitigate (prevention and clinical interventions) abdominal disorders in dairy animals
B-7. Development of cost effective bacteriophage therapy for controlling Brucellosis in cattle and buffaloes
B-8. Clinical and therapeutic studies on foot lameness in dairy cattle
C-1. Processing of milk into different value added products (including Mozzarella Cheese) for better economic returns
C-2. Studies on development and storage of Meat Products without and with minimum refrigeration
C-3. Pesticides residues in foods of animal origin and their impact on human and animal health
C-4. Pesticide-mineral interaction: effect on the animal health and production



Sr. New - RKVY Scheme entitled, “ Enhancing Livestock Production in Punjab through need based Research and Development Activities”
A-1. Management of udder health and clean milk production through immunomodulation and alternative strategies
A-2. Development of cost effective bacteriophage therapy for controlling Brucellosis in cattle and buffaloes
A-3. Studies on prevalence of major zoonotic diseases in Punjab and to develop appropriate control strategies
A-4. Employment of immuno-molecular diagnostic tools for haemoprotozoan diseases of livestock in Punjab state
A-5. Screening of bulls for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders to improve reproductive fitness
A-6. Enhancing pig production under small farming system through application of improved management practices
A-7. Assessing nutritional requirements of quails
A-8. Strategic feeding in lowering the age of sexual maturity in crossbred heifers
B-1. Disease Diagnostic and Registry Service
B-2. Large animal health facilities and services
  i. Studies on the evolution of Reproductive Health Status of Critically ill Dairy Animals suffering from Parturient Complications
ii. Studies on use of intra-medullary interlocking nailing and other orthopaedic procedures for large animals diaphyseal fractures
iii. Strengthening of diagnostic and critical care facilities for domestic animals
C-1. Milk processing and manufacture of value added dairy products
C-2. Processing of carp fishes into different value added products and byproducts for enhanced economic returns
C-3. Processing of buffaloes milk into mozzarella cheese for better economic and health benefit
C-4. Development of a suitable module for sustainable processing and marketing of meat and meat products to increase employment and income generation in Punjab state
D-1. Strengthening of research on Livestock Health and Production
D-2. Strengthening of research on diagnostic and therapeutics of animals